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Here we go. The TV spot is now downloadable in our archive, along with some nice HD captures. Love the ending - Edward/Bella vs. Jacob, sounds about right to me. CopyRight: and Summit Entertainment,LCC

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The first official clip from The Twilight Saga: New Moon has been released and is now viewable in our archive below.CopyRight: and Summit Entertainment,LCC

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Chocolate is a man processed product, while the strawberry is a natural product. Chocolate is made from cacao beans fermented for several days then dried out in the sun. The beans are then roasted and winnowed. The chocolate bars sold at supermarkets are made when the inner nibs of the cacao beans are heated to melt the cocoa butter and then ground to a paste. Strawberries are one of the yummiest and juiciest fruits around the world. They are used in making desserts, juices and shakes. It is loved by both children and adults for its mouth-watering scent and delicious flavor.

As fat content is present in chocolate, a whitish gray material will form on its surface when it has been exposed to warm temperature for a long time. The heat drives the cocoa butter out of the chocolate and forms a white coat on the surface. This is one reason why the chocolate turns white and it is also known as fat bloom.

One wants to know why strawberries appear bright red from outside and pinkish from the inside. This is because of the natural pigment called anthocyanin which is produced naturally by plants. It can be found in the leaves, stems, flowers and fruits. The pigment may appear red, blue or purple depending on the acidity of the plant part. Too much excess of anthocyanins in the fruit's skin will make it appear a rusty red or brown instead of red.

The pigment is also classified as a flavonoid which is a chemical that gives flavor to fruits and plants. As a flavonoid, anthocyanins are seen as derivatives of anthocyanidins which include pendant sugars in the composition. This is the reason which makes the fruit's flavor naturally sweet.

The strawberry is rich in anthocyanins and it does not only give color to the fruit but they are powerful antioxidants which is the reason why fruits with colorful skins and pulps are considered nutritious. According to research, anthocyanin is potential, protects health and effects against the development of diseases like cancer, aging and neurological diseases, inflammation, diabetes and bacterial infections.

If a chocolate turns white, another cause is also either too much humidity or cold temperature. If the chocolate is stored in an excessively humid or a very cold place like the fridge and then quickly exposed to a warm temperature, there can be a sugar bloom. This happens because the surface of the chocolate condenses with moisture. Sugar crystals remain on the surface after the moisture has drawn the sugar out of the chocolate forming a white coating.

Even if the chocolate looks unappetizing but it is still okay to eat as long as it's pure and not filled. Fortunately a bloomed chocolate is not poisonous. Once the bloomed chocolate has been melted and cooked, it will still be good enough to eat.

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Sonny loves to ham it up for the camera. TRIVIA: This is a never-before-seen video. NEXT WEEK: Whammy Bar SCHEDULE: 12/22/09: Whammy Bar 12/29/09: Chocolate Rain 01/05/10: Got Milk? 2 01/12/10: Missing mcmaster 01/19/10: Wallace the Nutcracker 01/26/10: Hoboes 02/02/10: Roof 02/09/10: Sick Day 02/16/10: Science Experiment - Speed 02/23/10: Gangsters 03/02/10: Science Lesson - Mercury Poisoning 03/09/10: LeCouteau Foncé 03/16/10: The Race 03/23/10: AZNS Button 03/30/10: Some More Stop-Motion 04/06/10: Morning Routine 04/13/10: nasty mushrooms 04/20/10: OH LAWDZ! 04/27/10: Sabrina Ad 05/04/10: Where's My DS? 05/11/10: Shoe Man - Redux 05/18/10: The Flip 05/25/10: EGNARO 06/01/10: An Experimental Film 06/08/10: Replacement 06/15/10: Ability 06/22/10: How Haadim Broke His Collar Bone 06/29/10: Room 07/06/10: ROCK AND ROLL 07/13/10: Duck and Cover

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There's no cutting the line in Win/Fail. Play from the beginning here: Jon Chu s channel: Win/Fail: The gr8est internet trivia game in the history of internet trivia games. Ever. (Disclaimer: Above statement based on a Wikipedia entry. That our intern wrote.)

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It is that time of the year again. You know, when the weather cannot make up its mind. HOT COLD HOT COLD. You dress to make a frontal attack on your local shopping mall. Good grief, look at those lines and those are just to get in through the entrance doors. By now, perspiration is running down your face in rivulets. Do you want to face bodily injury trying to get through the mobs at the toy store? Special on suspenders? Oh, look! Polka-dotted scarves made in 17 colors, none of which even begin to complement the others.

Blink! A light goes on over your head, pulsating inside the proverbial cartoon cloud. That's right! If we can ever find our car again we can go Christmas tree shopping at the corner lot. The smell of pine...the sticky sap on your fingers. A veritable symphony of smells and textures. This looks so good I think I just might have my afternoon snack right here. Try some crunchy pine needles.
Tinsel to decorate your Christmas tree was invented in Germany around 1610. Genuine silver was used; machines had to be designed to pull the silver out in exceedingly narrow strips. In spite of being hard-wearing, the tinsel strips were not practical because of a rapid rate of tarnishing. Surprisingly though, real silver was used up through the mid-20th century. Can you imagine being the poor servant back in Victorian times whose job was to polish the strips until there was no trace of tarnish?

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert and their children were adored by their subjects. Because of a photograph of the Royal Family standing lovingly around their Christmas tree, it became the height of fashion to have one's own tree. These decorated trees were clamored for by British and East Coast American High Society.

The Addis Brush Company of America made the original brush Christmas tree. This type of artificial tree was much stronger than the feather tree and was able to hold heavier ornaments and decorations. However, it did have a somewhat objectionable aspect in its mode of manufacture - at least to the more fastidious and squeamish among us - as it was made with the same equipment as used in the manufacture of the company's regular toilet brushes!

Animal Crackers, cookies beloved by generations of children, were imported in the late 1800s, from Great Britain to the United States. The boxes holding the cookies were shaped like Barnum's circus-train cars and with their string handles, were intended to be hung as decorations on the family Christmas tree.

The next time you get an urge for a snack, try nibbling on your Christmas tree. Several parts of pines, spruces, and firs are edible. Vitamin C abounds in the needles and pine nuts, or pine cones which are very nutritious.

Two to three Christmas seedlings must be planted in order to be able to harvest one viable adult tree.

Traditionally an American Christmas flower, the poinsettia is native to Mexico. Called the "Flower of the Holy Night," it was brought to the United States by Joel Poinsettia in 1829.

United States President Theodore Roosevelt was an ardent conservationist and environmentalist, banning Christmas trees wherever he lived, including the White House. His children managed to sneak Christmas trees of their own into their bedrooms.

With the dawn of the millennium came the existence of the heavy-duty white metal Christmas tree. Meant for strictly outdoor use, it had hundreds of built-in miniature lights that did not have to be untangled every Christmas season, making for happy homemakers.

The first known Christmas tree dealer was Mark Car. In 1851, he dragged two overloaded sleighs, brimming with just-cut trees, from the Cat skills in upstate New York all the way to New York City, opening the first retail Christmas tree lot in the United States.

One acre of Christmas trees allows for the daily oxygen requirements for 18 people.

Unhappy news for the environment: An artificial Christmas tree can last for six years in storage and on display, but no matter how hard you try to break it down for recycling, it will last for centuries in a landfill. Let's hear it for live trees!!

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Chocolate fondue fountains lend an air of festive celebration to any occasion. The excitement you generate with these machines will keep your guests coming back for more. You can use them to liven up various parties and events.

For home celebrations, tabletop chocolate fondue fountains work fine. You will have to set up the fondue fountain and get the chocolate ready. Whether you are using white or dark chocolate, it needs to be heated before it is added to the fountain.

Once you have melted the chocolate, you can put it into the fountain base and switch on the motor. The auger will send the chocolate flowing up to the top of the tower. Then, it will pour down the tiers in an appealing cascade. When the chocolate gets back to the base, it will start its journey all over again.

Look for chocolate fondue fountains that are easily cleaned. You will be putting a lot of chocolate into the fountain. It can be difficult to clean up again if you get a machine with a lot of little parts that get covered in chocolate. The best solution is to get a fountain that disassembles to make it even easier to get into the inner parts to scour them out.

It is important to have chocolate fondue fountains that keep an ideal, steady temperature. Otherwise, your chocolate will not flow smoothly, or it might scorch. The perfect day deserves the best machine that is available.

You might want to use chocolate fondue fountains for weddings. You can get one for an extended family and pass it around to all the cousins when it is their turn to get married. Guests who are regularly invited to the family weddings will look forward to the events even before anyone mentions the chocolate fondue. They will already know it is going to be there.

An individual family might choose from the different chocolate fondue fountains to have for themselves. They can use the fountain for any event that takes place in their home. A graduation party will come to life when the graduates are given this unusual treat. High school grads will feel very grown up, having chocolate fondue fountains for their own party.

Businesses can also use chocolate fondue fountains for their special meetings. Group events will be friendlier when everyone is sharing in the experience. People will choose from strawberries, marshmallows, or other treats to dip sociably into the fountain. It can create a camaraderie that keeps people talking throughout the evening.

Chocolate fondue fountains can bring a higher level of enjoyment to business and social functions. People will remember the day, partly because of their time spent dipping and eating treats from the fountain. These machines make any party special.

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White Chocolate performed @ STSI, Bandung

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There's no cutting the line in Win/Fail. Play from the beginning here: Jon Chu s channel: Win/Fail: The gr8est internet trivia game in the history of internet trivia games. Ever. (Disclaimer: Above statement based on a Wikipedia entry. That our intern wrote.)

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New Moon Trailer #5

Here we go. The TV spot is now downloadable in our archive, along with some nice HD captures. Love the ending - Edward/Bella vs. Jacob, sounds about right to me. copyright: and Summit Entertainment,LCC

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To make the independence day of our great nation a memorable event 4th of July trivia and games are inevitable. These programs like trivia, sports and games enhance the attraction of the day. The events conducted on this great day are highly enjoyable for all age groups. All fun filled indoor and out door activities actually make the whole day busy for the citizens of our nation and these are integral part of the birthday celebrations together with grandeur dinners and beers.

When we consider 4th of July trivia and games, trivia is conducted to improve our knowledge on the history of the nationals and games are intended to make the whole occasion charming. In practice 4th of July quiz programs are conducted in many places all through the states. People, students, adults and elders, participate in these trivia with lot of enthusiasm and fun. Many organizations offer cash gifts and other presentations to the winners as well. Do you how long have we been celebrating July 4th? What are all historical things happened on July 4th? Or who are all became the president of our great nation? How the American flag is designed? What the stars on the flag stand for? Do you want to be tested your historical knowledge? Come and participate in the great trivia.

The games add the beauty of the day. Many games including the baseball are arranged on the day. There are many game events arranged publicly and privately. Almost all the games will be fun filled, which requires no much practice or skills. All age groups can participate in these games. Ring on a string, Don't drop the egg, Bucket Brigade and Tunnel relay are some of the games people typically arrange on the day.

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Ask almost any American elementary student why the Country celebrates Columbus Day and they will immediately recite "In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue." Historically, this is true. Christopher Columbus did set sail in 1492 in order to discover new lands for the King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. The sailing party consisted of three ships: the Pinta, the Nina, and the Santa Maria. Columbus had sailed to far away lands before including Guinea and Iceland. In this trip, it was the aspiration of Columbus to discover the East Indies. When Columbus spotted the new lands, Columbus thought that he had, in fact, reached the East Indies; which are a group of islands located off of the coast of Southeast Asia. Instead, Columbus had came ashore in the Bahamas, and later Cuba and Hispaniola (now known as Haiti); all of which are off of the coast of the Americas - a long way from his original target.

The first official Columbus Day celebration was held in Colorado in 1905 and after 1920 the celebration became an annual event. There were, however, many less official Columbus Day celebrations held before the State of Colorado declared the official holiday. For example, one of the first recorded celebrations of Columbus Day was a ceremony held in New York City in 1792. The Columbian Order organized the occasion to honor Christopher Columbus and the 300th anniversary his landing in the islands of the Bahamas. The 1866 the Italian population of New York City sponsored another celebration of Columbus Day on October 12th. This celebration was based upon Columbus' discovery of Americas. This movement within the Italian-American population spread across the country and in 1869 a similar celebration called "C-day" was held in San Francisco.

President Benjamin Harrison had a commemorative Columbus Day holiday in 1892 which was intended to honor the 400th year anniversary of the voyage. In 1937 President Franklin Roosevelt proclaimed that October 12 would be known as Columbus Day. The October 12th date was changed in 1971 when Congress made Columbus Day a Federal public holiday that occurs the second Monday of October regardless of the date.

Recent years has brought about a great deal of controversy regarding Columbus' expedition and the discoveries he made - especially in light of the clear miss of the targeted area of exploration and the natives of the Bahamas region being turned into slaves. However, as a direct result of Columbus' attempt to discover the East Indies, scholars were able to gain a better understanding of just how large the Earth really was. Additionally, Europe and Spain became exposed to the Americas which resulted in trade opportunities and colonization of the new world - opportunities that still act like a beacon that draws people from all over the world to the Americas today.

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