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Chanukah is one of the English spellings for the word Hanukkah, which is a traditional Jewish holiday celebrated in Kislev (December/January). It is also known as the Festival of Lights, and celebrates the miracle that occurred upon the victory of the Maccabees against Syrian invaders, when a single days ration of oil kept the Menorah burning for eight days. The following are traditional Chanukah games.

Dreidel Game

A dreidel is a four sided top of Jewish origin. Each side has a Hebrew letter: Nun, gimel, hay, and shin, which is an acronym for ""A great miracle happened there."" The dreidel is a game played by children during the eight days in which Hanukkah is celebrated.

Divide into groups of four to six. Give each player an equal number of foil wrapped chocolate coins. Each player puts a foil covered coin into a central pot and gets a turn spinning the dreidel. Depending on the side on which the dreidel lands, each player can win the coins.

The following is a list of the sides and the reward or penalty for landing on this side of the dreidel during their spin:

o Nun: 0 coins received, next player spins

o Gimel: Player takes it all

o Hay: Player takes half

o Shin: Player puts a chocolate into the pot

Each time the pot runs empty, every player will add a chocolate coin and the game can continue.

Chanukah Party Game Trivia

Appoint one person to be Trivia master. Make up a list of things related to Chanukah, and a list of things that might sound similar to one related to Chanukah. Each player places their hand on the table, and when an item or Chanukah related term is spoken, the player raises a hand. Anyone who raises their hand when the term is NOT Chanukah related is 'out'. The last person remaining wins a prize.

Chanukah is a celebration of sacred proportions, but these traditional games add fun and entertainment into the mix for the perfect Chanukah celebration!

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